


Are medical devices surgically placed in to the jaw that replace a tooth root to hold prosthetic tooth.
This procedure helps to stop or prevent jaw bone loss because of a missing tooth doesn´t only impact your appearance, confidence and it also affects your oral health.
These procedure requires specialist dentist with years of additional training in their fields. We at DFC have the best implantologist.
Implants look and feel like natural teeth. They are a long term solution and can last a life time.



Are you still with crooked teeth?

With orthodontic treatments you will not only have a beautifull smile but also a correct bite.
This treatment is perfect for almost everybody, no matter your age, from 9 years an on ( 85 years).
In Dental First Care we have a special orthodontic affordable treatment just for you.


Cosmetic Dentistry

Focuses on improving the appearance of your smile. The most common cosmetic dental services include:
Teeth whitening
Over the years, foods and drinks can change the color of our teeth, causing stains. Teeth whitening is a simple, safe and least expensive way to improve your smile.
Venners are thin, strong porcelain shells which fit over the front surface of the teeth. For those for whom teeth whitening is not an option veeners may be the answer.
Tooth and gum countering
Tooth countering is a minimally invasive procedure that removes small amount of enamel to change the shape of your teeth.
Gum countering
Some people are born with excess of gum tissue and this make them feel unhappy with the look of their smile. Gum countering is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes your gum line by removing the excess of tissue.

Invisalign This costume -made aligners are made specially for you. This aligners are clear, thin plastic-like trays that you wear over your teeth and it will gradually straightening your teeth.


Diagnostic and Preventive

Dental cleaning
A simple regular dental cleaning is a very important part of oral health care to prevent a lot of diseases.
Do not wait until you have dental problems to come in for a free check up.
This check up includes:

  • A complete exam with all technology necessary for a better diagnose.
  • A full series of digital X-ray

Is always better to be safe than sorry.

Dental sealants and fluoride
Dental sealants are a preventive dentistry method that reduce the risk of cavities, they have proven successful in preventing it. Sealants are tipically placed on the chewing surface of the teeth to be protected.
This is a very recommended treatment for everybody, especially for kids, is safe, effective and painless.

Fluoride helps to prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attack from plaque, bacteria and sugars in the mouth. Is olso highly recommended for everybody.
X ray
X-ray are a vital tool, they allow dentist to see things they can not see with the naked eye. We highly recommend our new patients to take X-ray to make sure an accurate diagnose will be done.


Pediatric dentistry

We love kids and we understand they need to feel comfortable and safe. That´s why we at Dental first care have a especial environment designed only for them, so they won´t be afraid of the dentist visit.

Our pediatric specialist and staff are especially trained to put them at ease. We help children to appreciate the value of good dental health habits.


Oral Surgery

Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure performed in or around the mouth and jaw. Some of the must common procedures are:

  • Wisdom teeth
  • Dental implants
  • Tooth extractions
  • Any other maxillofacial procedure

We at DFC have an excellent team of dental specialists that offers the highest quality procedures with the best technology.



Is the dental specialty concerned with the study and treatment of the dental pulp(root canal).
The purpose of the root canal is to remove a nerve because is infected.
The symptoms of this infection can be:

  • Toothache
  • Swelling
  • Pain when chewing
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Discoloration of the tooth

A root canal is usually procedure with little or no discomfort at all.
All this pain and discomfort can be prevented if we get regular dental check ups then when we identify the problem early.



Dental surgery is the specialty that aims to reconstruct the portion or part of the tooth that was damaged by dental caries, restoring its shape and function with biocompatible and resistant materials that aesthetically harmonize with the dental remnant.


Emergency care

Dental emergencies can happen at any moment in our lives and requires immediate attention.
If you are experiencing pain or have suffered dental injury, there is no time to waste.

If you need urgent care, all our specialists are always here to take care of you.


Night Guard

The stress which we live subjected day by day can cause headaches, tension of the jaw muscles and with it the wear of dental pieces, which is commonly known as bruxism. The relaxation plane allows to protect the teeth from excess forces and relax the muscles.
At DFC we carry out relaxation plans tailored to the teeth of each patient, generating a perfect fit and maximum comfort.



Specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the gum diseases cause for a build up of the plaque , tartar and bacterias.

After you are diagnosed whit gum disease, it won´t go away on its own and it may get worse if it´s not treated on time. Some symptoms are red or bleeding gums, pain, bad breath and exposed root surfaces.
The must common diseases of the gum are gingivitis (mild inflammation of the gums) and periodontits. (serious inflammation of the gums).


Cosmetic and restorative dentistry

Is the specialty responsible for restoring aesthetics and oral function when teeth have been lost, either due to cavities, gum disease or accidents. This is done through the use of dental prostheses. These can be:
Fixed Prostheses: They are attached to the remaining teeth or dental implants. These cannot be removed by the patient, which allows greater safety to smile and comfort to eat.
Removable Prostheses: These prostheses can be removed by the patient from his mouth at will, to be cleaned, to sleep, etc. This specialty allows patients to smile again.


Conscious Sedation

During the performance of a treatment, many times the peace of mind that our dentist gives us is not enough. That is why, for greater peace of mind for the patient, medications are used that produce different degrees of numbness and calm, allowing dental treatment to be carried out without discomfort, tension or psychological trauma.
When is conscious sedation used?
Conscious sedation is used in the following dental patients:

  • Young children who cannot tolerate dental care or who require complex procedures.
  • Patients with a phobia of dental care, that is, an exaggerated and uncontrollable fear related to such care.
  • Disabled patients due to certain diseases, mainly in the psychiatric and neurological area.
  • Patients with a medical pathology susceptible to decompensation that require surveillance during treatment.

Numerous techniques and drugs can be used to perform conscious sedation, which we try to adapt to the needs of each patient and their intervention. The degree of sedation is selected according to the patient’s state of anxiety, the magnitude of the proposed intervention and the capacities of the professional in charge.

At Dental First Care, conscious sedation is performed by a team of Anesthetist Surgeons.
Schematically there are three possibilities:
Superficial sedation: Numbness is minimal and only eliminates anxiety.
Moderate sedation: There is drowsiness from which it is easy to wake up. Depending on the medication used, there may be different degrees of amnesia and anesthesia.
Deep sedation: Sleep is deeper and a response is obtained only through more intense stimuli. In this state there are no emotions or memory and in general the sensation of pain decreases.


Crowns and Dental Bridges

Replace a missing or damage tooth, restoring tooth´s shape and size.

It will help you not only to have a beautifull smile but also improves your mouth´s strength and its correct function.

Crowns and bridges are popular cosmetic dentistry that also provide restorative benefits.